Let me see what I've got in my ''letter''...

Kao pobornik velikih tašni u koje može da stane sve i svašta, napravila sam ogroman pomak prešavši na pismo-tašnu ili par još manjih komada, u koje nekako ipak uspe da stane sve što mi je potrebno u toku dana. Došla sam do zaključka da ipak živim u gradu (gde na svakom koraku možes da kupiš bilo šta iz te gomile nepotrebnih stvari koje se motaju po ženskoj tašni), a ne u pustinji, tako da sam smanjila njen sadržaj na minimum. Mogu vam reći da je vrlo zahvalno nositi malu tašnicu! Ne otpada vam rame, uvek sve možete iste sekunde da nadjete, bez nepotrebnog nerviranja, a u nju čak staje i džemperak, ako se kojim slučajem zadržite negde kad zahladni!

As a fan of big purses, where you can put literally everything and anything, I made a big step switching on to a clutch and a few smaller purses, where somehow I menage to put everything I need during the day. I came to the conclusion that I live in the city (where you can always buy what you need at that moment, from that bunch of stuff hanging around in a female's purse), and not in the desert, so I cut down the inside of the bag to a minimum. I can honestly say that it's very grateful wearing little purse! You don't get the shoulder pain, you can always find your way around, almost instantly, without unnecessary loosing temper, and you can even put a small cardigan in it, in case you stay out when it gets chilly!

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