Budoar stil je za mene vrhunac u uredjivanju enterijera, delom i zbog toga što sam u jednoj takvoj kući odrasla. Vrlo je teško da se prebacim na minimalizam i da mi se moderan dizajn, uopšte, dopadne. Naravno, ima izuzetaka, kada me očara lepota funkcionalnosti i jednostavnosti. Ali nameštaj koji je budoarski ''etiketiran'' će uvek ostati moja velika ljubav...
Boudoir style, for me will always be the highest point in interior designing, partially because I grew up in one of those houses. It's very hard for me to switch to minimalism and to except the modern design, in general. Of course there are exceptions, when beauty of functionality and simplicity impress me. But, boudoir style labeled furniture and details will always stay my biggest passion...
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