Love her or hate her, Alice Dellal sure stands out among socialites and heiresses. Her bad-gal reputation doesn't hurt her career, and neither her rebellious attitude in clothing, partying or modeling. When it comes to modeling, she does it right, as her many campaigns and collaborations prove it. Check out Alice Dellal's style and unique punk fashion.Who is the one who loves punk and is not afraid to show it? Alice Dellal is.
“I love ’90s grunge and punk” she said in an interview for the New York magazine, and indeed she loves, as her signature look is a partially shaved head.
“I like my style. If people don’t like my hair, then they don’t have to book me” she also says – but designers do book her.
She featured the French Vogue cover in the same year she begins modeling (2003), Burberry’s fall ad campaign, British Elle, she replaces Kate Moss as the new face of Agent Provocateur.
She models for Vivienne Westwood, Alexander Wang, MNG, she appears in Russian L’Officiel editorial, she stars in Primal Scream’s “Can’t Go Back” music video and she won’t stop here.
Alice Dellal is intriguing, natural, spontaneous and glam.
Her cutting-edge personal style includes, besides her partially shaved hair, lost of leather, boots, crop tops and exposed zippers. And, besides all that, she is the heiress of Brazilian model Andrea Dellal and granddaughter of British real-estate mogul Jack Dellal.
It’s easy to say that maybe, just maybe, this girl has it all. The looks, the attitude, the life, the career and the future (in 2009, she signed with Next Models agency).
Fresh news
Chanel's creative director, Karl Lagerfeld, has released the much-awaited mini-silent film "My New Friend Boy", featuring punk model Alice Dellal.
The campaign is regarded as the perfect blend of Chanel glamour and the model rocker's fashion sense. In fact, the campaign showcases Dellal featuring sporty dreadlocks and her trademark leather and ripped tights.
The release of the short film was to promote the launch of their new Boy handbag collection.
According to Haute Living, the new line of Chanel handbags is based on a hunting cartridge style originally carried by Coco Chanel herself. The Chanel Boy bags are made to embody the androgynous charm the designer was known for.
Designer Coco Chanel revolutionised the fashion world as she experimented and played with the androgynous look for women.
The early twentieth century designer's propensity towards androgynous style is aptly summed up in the biopic "Coco Before Chanel", when her lover, Arthur Capel, teases her: "I'm not used to undressing boys".
The realms of masculinity from which she drew her inspiration reportedly included Officer Etienne Balsan's wardrobe, which she frequently raided, altering his suits for her own apparel.
Her preference for androgynous styles reflected not merely her rejection of the Victorian excessiveness but was a statement of independence in itself. For a woman who never married and who founded her own company, dressing like a man was a means of expressing how she could be successful without a husband.
Ultra-modern, refined and mysterious, Alice Dellal is the latest in the line of Chanel muses, each boasting their own inimitable allure.
Sneak Peek of Karl Lagerfeld’s Chanel Campaign Featuring Alice Dellal
Možete da je volite ili mrzite, ali Alis Delal sigurno odskače od ostalih naslednica i javnih ličnosti. Njena reputacija loše devojke ne škodi njenoj karijeri, a ni njen buntovnički stil u oblačenju, provodu i modelingu. Kad je u pitanju modeling, ona to radi na pravi način, što dokazuju brojne kampanje i saradnje. U intervjuu za New York Magazine je izjavila da voli grandž i pank '90, a zaštitno obeležje joj je delimično obrijana glava. U svet modelinga je ušla 2003., kada se pojavila na naslovnici francuskog Vogue-a, radila je i za Burberry, britanski Elle, a kao zaštitno lice zamenila je Kate Moss u kampanji za Agent Provocateur. Od tada je radila za Vivienne Westwood, Alexander Wang, MNG, pojavila se u ruskom izdanju L’Officiel-a, glumila je u spotu grupe Primal Scream “Can’t Go Back”...
Alice je intrigantna, prirodna, spontana i glamurozna. Njen stil, pored do pola obrijane glave, uključuje dosta kože, čizama, isečenih majica i rajsfešlusa, a pored svega toga je naslednica brazilskog modela Andree Dellal i unuka britanskog mogula za nekretnine Jack Dellal-a. Lako se može reći da ova devojka ima sve: izgled, stav, život, karijeru i budućnost (2009. je potpisala ugovor sa Next Models Agencijom).
Pojavljuje se u dugo očekivanom mini nemom filmu Karla Lagerfilda "My New Friend Boy". Kampanja spaja savršen Chanel-ovski glamur i njen rokerski modni stil, sa kožom i pocepanim hulahopkama. Video treba da promoviše lansiranje njihove Boy handbag kolekcije, tašne koje su stvorene za otelotvore androgeni šarm po kom je Coco Chanel bila poznata. Kao žena koja se nikad nije udavala i koja je osnovala svoju kompaniju, Coco je, oblačeći se kao muškarac, htela da pokaže kako ona može biti uspešna i bez muža. Ultra moderna, prefinjena i misteriozna, Alice Dellal je poslednja u nizu Chanel-ovih muza, od kojih svaka ima svoju jedinstvenu privlačnost.

Fenomenalna je:)
ReplyDeleteona je jedna od retkih devojaka na kojoj mi se dopada undercut :)
ReplyDeleteAlice je super <3
ReplyDeleteDivne su mi te Chanel boy torbice <3
ReplyDeleteslažem se sa Aleksandrom, baš joj pristaje :)
ReplyDeleteRock + Style :)
gomila manekenki je u ovom tresh fayonu inace...ja poynajem neke nase koje su skroy -fack fashion fayon....nju oboyavam
ReplyDeletee i ja :D gledam je već godinama po francuskim časopisima i ne mogu da je zaobiđem ;)